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6 Best Loan Apps In Nigeria – Best Mobile Loan Apps To Borrow Money From

We tested, analyzed, and brought out 6 top a list of loan apps and the best loan apps in Nigeria. We have a lot of free loans and money lending apps in Nigeria in a way to get quick loans in minutes.

Being a debtor is not a sin. Most of the top companies in Nigeria are debtors.

Whether you borrow money or not, you are a debtor as long as you are Nigerian because Nigeria herself is a debtor.

Don’t get confused, you don’t need to borrow money if you don’t need it but if you are reading this, I bet you really need money, lol.

If you are looking for the best loan app in Nigeria, you are at the right place. Because I’m going to teach you how to get a free loan in minutes with the simple steps listed below accordingly.

Top list of Loan Apps and best Loan App in Nigeria. 

This is top loan apps in Nigeria

  1. Carbon Paylater
  2. Palmcredit Loan
  3. Fairmoney App
  4. Branch Loan App
  5. QuickCheck Loan App
  6. Kiakia Loan App

Out of the above list, some of them might not make the list last year but are available in the list of best loan apps in Nigeria this year. But this year or even at this moment, they are the best and most reliable money lending app in Nigeria.

Without wasting much time, let’s go straight to the business in order to get answers to these questions;

  • How to apply for quick online loans in Nigeria
  • The highest amount you can get from Nigeria’s best and fast loan
  • Where and how to get a free loan in minutes in Nigeria
  • How to get a mobile loan in Nigeria without collateral, guarantor, or paperwork. etc

Carbon (Paylater) Loan App

Carbon loan app (formerly known as Paylater) is one of the best money lending apps and mobile loans in Nigeria. Carbon Paylater Loan gives out free loans in minutes less than five without collateral, guarantor, or any paperwork.

You can however unlocks some opportunities to request for higher loan and also reduce the interest rate by repaying your loan on time.

With Carbon Loan App, you can get loans up to N1 million without any documents. That sounds great though!


Carbon (Paylater) Loan App | 6 Best Loan Apps In Nigeria & Free Loan (2020)

How to get instant Carbon (Paylater) Loan

To get a quick online loan Carbon App is very easy and simple, just follow the steps below;

  1. Download Carbon App on Play store or get it here
  2. Register through the app in order to know if you
  3. Request a quick loan by filling out a brief application form with basic personal information and applying.
  4. Your application was approved after a review of less than five minutes.
  5. Get the money credited into your wallet then transfer it to your bank account.
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NOTE: When you repay your loan before the due date, this will automatically give you a chance of requesting for higher loan and reduces the interest rate for your next loan.

Meanwhile, there are some things you can do with Carbon Paylater Loan App e.g. Recharge airtime, pay bills, transfer money with lower interest, invest your money and view your credit report, etc.

Palmcredit Loan App

Palmcredit Loan is one of the best loan apps in Nigeria at this moment without any doubt. This App gives user an opportunity to borrow up to N100,000 (One hundred thousand naira only) without collateral or guarantor.

Palmcredit Loan App is owned by Transsnet Nigeria Limited. The App is among the best mobile loan in Nigeria with a lower interest rate of between 14% to 24%.

Furthermore, Palmcredit Debtors and the Loan controls by another platform named “Easybuy”. This package called Easybuy allows users to buy mobile phones or any other electronics at any Easybuy accredited shops. The buyer requires to pay at least 20% out of the money and the balance in installments for months with low interest.

Palmcredit Loan App 2020

How to apply and join instant Palmcredit Debtors

It’s very easy to get quick online loan from Palmcredit App, just follow the steps below;

  1. Download Palmcredit App on Playstore
  2. Open the App and click on “Apply for loan”
  3. Register with your phone number and fill other necessary personal informations
  4. Submit your application and expect the credit in minutes.

NOTE: Your Loan application might be rejected if you have any uncleared credit history, not only with Palmcredit app

Fairmoney Loan App

Fairmoney Loan is another big app to get quick online loans in Nigeria that gives up to N500,000 to individuals.

Fair money loan is a reliable loan app that gives online loans in less than 5 minutes with flexible interest rates without any paperwork or collateral. Fairmoney App does not rely on only quick loans but also gives out personal loans and business loans.

Fairmoney Loan App

How to apply and get an instant Fair Money Loan

Getting quick loan online with Fairmoney App is very easy and simple, follow the steps below;

  1. Download Fairmoney Loan App on Playstore
  2. Register with your active phone number
  3. Answer some questions and receive a loan offer
  4. Put down your bank details and receive your loan ASAP
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NOTE: You can even earn a bonus in cash when you invite your friends and also receive discounts on airtime & data purchase.

Branch Loan App

Branch App is one of the oldest and biggest quick online loans in Nigeria which gives out free loans in minutes. Branch Loan App gives out loans up to N200,000 without collateral or guarantor. Branch App determine their interest rates by a number of factors, including repayment history but fall between 15% and 34%.

Branch Loan App

How to apply and get a quick Branch Loan

Branch Loan application is very simple and easy. To do so, you will need to follow the below steps;

  1. Download Branch Loan App on Playstore here
  2. Create an account by filling out a simple form within a minute and submit
  3. Apply for the loan that meets your needs
  4. Receive the loan money in mobile money or in your bank account.

NOTE: You can repay the loan with your mobile account. You are unlocking the higher loans as you are building your credit.

QuickCheck Loan App

QuickCheck Loan App is another great and one of the best loan apps in Nigeria which offers quick online loans in minutes without any paperwork or collateral. QuickCheck Loan has a nice and very neat app that is very easy to use.

QuickCheck Loan App doesn’t want you to go broke again and they use machine learning to predict your behavior and instantly evaluate loan applications.

QuickCheck Loan App

How to apply and get QuickCheck Loan

To get a quick online loan from QuickCheck App is very easy and simple, follow the steps below;

  1. Download QuickCheck Loan App on Playstore
  2. Open the App and create your account in a way to get known to them
  3. Apply for a loan
  4. Their machine will run your credit score and generate the amount you qualify to borrow
  5. Accept the offer and get the loan credited to your bank account in minutes.
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Kiakia Loan App / Kiakia Loan Website

Kiakia Loan aka Mr. K and also known as Sterling Bank Kia Kia Loan is another trustworthy and reliable mobile loan in Nigeria. Kiakia is a Yoruba word that simply means fast/very fast. Kia Kia loan offers personal loans and business loans and can give out up to N200,000.

Before you proceed with this method to get a quick loan online, make sure you have a bank account with Sterling Bank. Kiakia Loan website/app is backed by Sterling bank Nigeria PLC and that’s why some people call them Sterling Bank Kia Kia loan. Their website is linked to the bank and that’s where you will repay the loan.

Kiakia Loan App / Kiakia Loan Website

How to apply and get an instant Kia Kia loan online

Kiakia Loan has a different loan application compared to other Nigeria’s best and fast loans. There’s a Kiakia loan website only because they don’t have an app. It’s very simple to get the loan but you will need to follow the steps below;

  1. Log on to the official Kiakia loan website
  2. Click on the “Click to get a loan” tab
  3. A chatbot will pop up and click on “Create an account”
  4. After you’ve done with the creation of your account then click on “Get a loan
  5. A chatbot will request your email to confirm and complete your application
  6. You will then be assigned to one of their agents who you are going to meet in person for physical verification
  7. Finally, your loan request is approved and get the money credited to your account


We have plenty list of loan apps in Nigeria but all of them are not genuine, some fraudsters are even using the opportunity to scam many people and that’s why one has to be careful when it comes to anything about money online.

We give you 100% assurance about all the above list of loan apps in Nigeria. Because they are trustworthy, reliable and they are the best loan apps in Nigeria for free loans at this present year.

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